Motor and gear settings

Motor Configuration

The servo drive needs several motor parameters to operate correctly. These parameters can usually be found in the motor datasheet. There are specific Objects for configuring your Motor in the object dictionary and all of them can be configured via the “OBLAC Drives” commissioning software

Selecting the PWM frequency

The PWM frequency can be changed in object 0x2010:9 Torque controller: Switching frequency.

  • Enter the value 0 for 16 kHz

  • Enter the value 1 for 32 kHz

  • Enter the value 2 for 64 kHz

Details for the torque controller.

Gear Ratio

A gear ratio between motor and driving shafts can be configured. This ratio defines the relationship between the motor shaft and driving output shaft. The position feedback and command will always be relative to the driving shaft.

gear~ ratio = \frac {motor~ shaft~ revolutions} {driving~ shaft~ revolutions}