0x60FD Digital inputs

Bit 0: Shows Negative Limit Switch Status (1 = Active, 0 = Inactive )

Bit 1: Shows Positive Limit Switch Status (1 = Active, 0 = Inactive )

Bit 2: Shows Home Switch Status (1 = Active, 0 = Inactive )

Bit 3: Shows Interlock Status (1 = Drive cannot be enabled, 0 = Drive can be enabled)

Bit 4 to 15: Reserved

The manufacturer-specific bits (16 to 31) show the state of the Drive's digital inputs.

Bit 16: Digital input 1

Bit 17: Digital input 2


Bit 31: Digital input 16

For example, if only Digital input 1 is high (and bits 0 to 3 are low), then object value will be 65536 (0x10000)

Name Index:Sub Type Bit Size Min Data Max Data Default Data Unit Access PDO Mapping
Digital inputs 0x60FD:0 UDINT 32 0 readonly (default) Transmit PDO (Inputs)